
August 2019


How to hold a successful pet event?

Source 1;

 First of all, your purpose and vision should be clearly defined, pet events are there to bring pet owners closer to pet industry or community. There is sharing of ideas and information, so it is beneficial for everyone and main purpose could vary, there are different purposes which are

  • To raise funds
  • To spread awareness
  • To support some cause through this event
  • To facilitate pet stores

Planning for the event

Plan with your friends or local pet owners about this event, start off with the venue, permit and the budget. In other words, take a rough idea of logistics and finances of your event, after this the recommended time to plan is about 4 to 5 months. The successful events require work but if planning and execution is done rightly, then in this time period everything can be done perfectly.

Taking permit is necessary, if you don’t want any public embarrassments. It is recommended to take public parks but their permits are lengthy and time consuming, so if you are short of time take some private area. After deciding venue and taking permits, look for the budget and calculate the costs. Costs include food, catering, pet accommodation facilities, promotion costs, venue costs, electricity and labor etc.

TIP: Go for asking volunteers, if you have good word in your community you will definitely have volunteers. You can ask different organizations and institutions for volunteering in this noble cause, they can cover our labor cost with financial expenses too.

Promoting the event

 After completing initial steps, do NOT forget the most important thing; Promotion. Promoting your event is necessary, it will attract audience. You can attach signup forms and registration can be done online. The promotional campaign should be done on social media (as it is most effective and less costly) and after running it on social media, do spread your message with the word of mouths from locals. You can also ask social media influencers, to spread the event as it is done for the noble cause.

Optional: You can spread flyers, but it will cost you printing charges.

Ask relevant companies to promote their product, it will cut your cost. Pet food suppliers could market their product similarly pet insurance companies can share their services.


Insurance providers could help you to spread the right message, every pet should be taken care of and leaving your pet helpless in hard times due to financial constraint is the worst possible idea. If you want to take an idea how insurance works, go to check out pet insurance plans with iSelect is pet insurance provider and are most trusted. If you love your pets and want pet insurance, it is the best choice in Australia.


Meanwhile your campaign is running you should establish a team, who are accommodating different things which are as follows


Vendors for decorations, food and stalls setups should be contacted. It is important to keep in mind that animals’ safety should be kept priority, so vendors should be trustworthy and reliable.

Pet Stores and Animal Shelters

It is important to invite owners of pet stores’ owners and animal shelters teams because they carry expertise and relevancy, at most. You can recruit animal shelter and pets store owners in your event team. Visit them personally and share the idea.


Give a letter of invitations to notable personalities and governmental figures, your local municipal leader should be invited too. Anyone from forestry and wildlife department is more welcomed.

Cages and animals’ facilities

You should make sure this and establish a separate team which have expertise of animal healthcare. Different stalls should be setup according to areas like aquatic animals should have a separate area, dogs should have separate space, birds also kept is separate ages etc.

Day of the event

Check all the vendors and setups, check food and all facilities. You should definitely have an estimate of how much attendees you are entertaining. Remember, setting goals and completing it, is most important thing for any event.

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