
March 2021


How To House-train a New Dog: 4 Things You Need To Know

Every dog owner has this idea of the perfect pet: friendly, cute, and well-behaved. That’s why many of us are so enthralled by dog trainers who can turn disobedient and untrained dogs into the perfect pets. Some of the most popular videos on the Internet are of dogs and their trainers. However, our expectations rarely match our realities. The vast majority of dogs today lack the training to do anything beyond a few basic tricks.

It’s perfectly normal to wonder why our own dogs can’t be like the dogs we see on YouTube or television. Just like any other intelligent being, dogs need to be trained and educated if you want them to become better versions of themselves. Even dog obedience training can go a long way in improving your dog’s behavior.

Of course, you can’t expect your dog to become better overnight. The training results also depend on a long list of factors like their welfare, pedigree, and genetics. It’s also better to get started while they’re young. With patience and training, you can turn your puppy into an obedient and well-trained dog. Let’s get started.

  1. Pick a name early on

Puppies get confused easily, and if you can’t decide on one name, the training process will become more challenging. You have to be consistent in all facets of the training process. Start calling the puppy by one name and make sure everyone in the household follows suit. Even nicknames can be confusing, so everyone must be on the same page. If the puppy was given to you with a name, you need to use that.

You’re teaching your puppy to respond to their name. Eventually, they will approach anyone who calls them with their proper name. It’s important to avoid any other word or sound when calling the dog to prevent confusion.

  1. Establish basic rules

Consistency is just as important as frequency and duration when it comes to dog training. If you want to establish positive behavior or suppress bad ones, you need to establish basic rules and be consistent when it comes to application. That way, your dog will understand which behaviors he should learn and unlearn. Make sure everyone in the household knows all the rules to minimize confusion.

Let’s say you want your puppy to stay off beds. You can be steadfast when it comes to applying that rule, but if anyone in your household allows dogs on any of the beds, it erases the progress you’ve made. Instead, your puppy will start following the person that allows them to do the things they want. Not only have you failed to establish positive behavior, but the puppy might also learn to stop following your commands.

Make sure everyone, including the children, knows what they can and cannot do. In particular, children have difficulty understanding the house rules, but if you explain them carefully, they might be able to help in the training.

  1. Focus on small things first

Your puppy is not going to do any impressive tricks in the first few months. Before you can teach them anything complex, you need to gauge what they’re capable of by teaching them the basics. For instance, you can take this opportunity to house-train your puppy to minimize accidents. It’s important to be incredibly patient, as puppies don’t typically respond to verbal abuse. Just keep using positive and negative reinforcement.

Your puppy needs to learn early on where they need to sleep, eat, and go potty. You can’t just put their food and water bowl anywhere. Just choose one spot, and eventually, they’ll get the message. You also need to show them where they can poop or pee.

  1. Dogs learn by association

Puppies and toddlers are alike in that they learn by positive and negative association. Use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and negative reinforcement to suppress bad ones.

You need to reward your puppy every time they do something you want to encourage. Your patience and kindness will be rewarded with good behavior. However, if you scold your dog often, they might regress and even grow fearful of you.

A final word

These four tips will help you turn your puppy into an obedient and well-trained partner. Dog training isn’t something that happens overnight, and you’ll need to be consistent and resolute if you want to see good results. But with planning and a bit of patience, you’ll start seeing good behavior.

Meta title: 4 Ways to Train a New Puppy
meta desc: Dog training doesn’t happen overnight, but with planning and patience, you can start seeing results soon enough.

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The Benefits of Doggie Day care

Dogs day care is commonly referred to as dog day care, which often indicates short term, informal care for canines. It fills in a gap between overnight kennel or other overnight pet sitting services, whereby the sitter visits the animal’s home during the day. This type of care is ideal for pet owners who are away on business or have family commitments, leaving their canines at home while they are treated to play and interact with other animals.

The services provided by Hounds Town pet care franchise facilities tend to be limited, and owners must contract with the day care facility for their dog’s care. Some owners may choose to visit their dog in their doggie day care facility instead. This allows them to see their dog in its own environment without having to travel to their doggie day care center. However, it may not be possible for many owners to make consistent appearances each day.

Cost varies greatly between day care centers and depends not only on the services provided but also on the location of the facility. Day care facilities may charge a flat fee per day, or at an hourly rate. Some facilities operate on a “pay as you go” policy, in which the fee only covers the dog’s care and services when they are used. Fully-staffed doggie day care facilities, on the other hand, are a bit more expensive, as there may be an ongoing need for vet care and emergency care.

A good doggie day care program offers exercise, games, and social interaction for your dog. Exercises may consist of walking, running, playing catch, or any other activity that requires your pet to move around a lot. These types of activities release excess energy, build up physical stamina and burn off excess calories. Exercise helps to keep a doggie healthy, and helps him avoid destructive behavior problems that are common in overweight dogs. By keeping their bodies active, doggies avoid destructive behavior such as digging, chewing, jumping, and tearing things up.

Socialization is important for dogs that need to be taken out to meet new people and dogs that are going to be exposed to a lot of new things in their environment. A doggie day care facility is a great place for pets to learn how to interact with other animals and people and to develop a sense of community. This is especially important for large or outdoor dogs, as they have to learn how to live in a fenced yard, without being exposed to wild animals or other animals that may cause them harm.

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Microchipping 101: Why microchipping your dog is so important

If you are a first-time dog owner, you might not be fully aware of just how important it is to have your dog microchipped. If your dog (or cat) is properly microchipped, it can mean the difference between finding your pet after a few days apart and never seeing it again. Keep reading to learn more about why you should get your dog microchipped as soon as possible.

What is a microchip?

A microchip is a form of permanent, electronic identification. Microchips are tiny– they are about the size of a grain of rice – and they are implanted between the shoulder blades, underneath the skin. Each microchip has a unique number that is listed on a database.

When you microchip your dog, your name and contact information is then listed under your dog’s number in the database. If your dog becomes lost or runs away and is found away from your area, a veterinarian or vet tech can quickly scan the microchip, check the number, and then find your contact information and give you a call. If you happen to find a lost dog or cat, you can take them to a vet clinic or animal shelter, and they will be able to check to see if the animal is microchipped.

Getting your dog microchipped

To have your dog microchipped, you can visit any of the registered vets across Australia, such as Greencross Vets. A trained veterinarian will insert a microchip, and then you can log into a database for your pet and input your name and contact information. The process will only take a few minutes, and you can rest assured that it is a relatively painless procedure for your dog.

If your dog was previously owned or you have adopted your dog from a shelter, there is a chance that your pet has already been microchipped. That just means you will need to update your pet’s information in the database. If you move or change your email or phone number, you also need to update the database with your new contact information to ensure accuracy.

Why is microchipping important?

If your dog is microchipped, it is much easier for the two of you to be reunited following a separation. Checking a microchip and referencing the microchip database only takes a handful of minutes. On the other hand, if your dog is not microchipped, you will likely spend a lot of time leafletting your neighbourhood, calling around to every local clinic, and walking through your area calling out your dog’s name.

In Australia, microchipping for dogs is compulsory in Tasmania and is mandatory for both cats and dogs in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, and South Australia. However, regardless of whichstate you live in, microchipping your dog as soon as possible is the best way to ensure that you and your dog will be quickly and safely reunited should you ever be separated.

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Why Horses are Great Pets to Have

Horses, like dogs, are a great companion and loyal pet animal for humans. They are much more powerful compared to a lot other four-legged pets. Horses were mainly used for transportation and for wars decades ago. Being powerful and having great stamina help them travel long distances without issues also even after a long commute they can sleep while standing as they always keep standing.

Among the several treatments for your horse available with the veterinary, consider investing your time and money in CBD for horses. It would be a suitable medicine to reduce the anxiety effects in your horse without causing any side effects. However, you should be prudent in your choice of the best store to buy CBD for horses.

Horses with some amazing qualities have a great physical appearance which is why a lot of humans are attracted towards these beautiful and adorable creatures. A lot of people like to have them as a pet and are attached to them. There are a lot of reasons to have a pet horse, but here are some of the most common reasons:

  1. Smart and emotional: Some of us might have heard about the stories where horses have saved someone’s life. It’s not only their adorable physique but also their smartness, loyalty and love towards their owner which makes them a great pet. People love spending a lot of time with their horse and horses do love spending time with their human friends too.
  1. Nature and Fitness: If you are in love with nature then Horses will be the best option for you as a pet. You can be fit, enjoy nature and explore new places all at the same time while enjoying a horse ride. Horse riding is supposed to be the best way to keep healthy and fit and a great outdoor activity.
  1. Easy maintenance: A lot of people think horses are hard to look after but instead they are easy with maintenance compared to a few other pets. It does need a big commitment having a pet horse but feeding them or making a comfortable shelter available for them is not that tough.
  1. Social and fun loving : Keeping a horse keeps you social as there’s a large and broad community of horse owners, you can enjoy horse riding, looking after or even competitions and being social. Horses also are fun loving, very active and playful.
  1. Longer life: Horses have a longer life than some of the other pets, while an average life of a horse is 25-30 years, it may vary for some of the other breeds. Their longer life gives owners a better chance to develop the bond with their pet horse.

Just like humans, horses have different personalities. Every single horse has a discrete personality and the other one. They do have some characteristics or values like fearlessness, aggressiveness, challenging etc. Each of these characteristics differs with the quality in them which makes every individual horse unlike any other. It’s important to think about all these values before you make a decision on what breed/horse you choose to be your family.

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Using Ruffwear with the Dogs Makes Them More Playful

If you are a person who has a pet then you have to buy many of the Ruffwear for your dog. Ruffwear is very helpful when you go out with your pet for walking. You can use different Ruffwear for your pet, even they stay at home. Ruffwears are of many types and are of different purposes. You can use them at different places and on different occasions for your pet. With Ruffwear, the performance of your dog is good and they will do their best. So, you can buy Ruffwear Canada for your pet dog, and increase their performance in outside activities. You will also give them training for exercise, and other physical activities.

Some of the Ruffwear that one can use

You can use different Ruffwear for your dog and give them training. The Ruffwear that you can use are:

  1. Ruffwear Polar Trex Pairs dog boots
  2. Ruffwear front range harness
  3. RuffwearBark’n Boot Liners
  4. Ruffwear Powder Hound jacket for dogs
  5. Ruffwear front range dog collar
  6. Ruffwear Treat trader
  7. Ruffwear flat out leash
  8. RuffwearGnawt-a-stick dog toy
  9. RuffwearGnwat-a-rock
  10. Ruffwear Hydro Plane floating throw a dog toy
  11. Ruffwear Huck-a-cone dog toy
  12. RuffwearGourdo rubber throw toy
  13. Ruffwear stash bag
  14. Ruffwear pacific loop toy
  15. Ruffwear quencher

These all are just some of the products that you can buy, but in the market or on the internet, you will get lots of other items about Ruffwear. You can use them at different places and in different ways. Even after 1994, Ruffwear is dedicated to building gear for outdoor athletes and their human companions. It seems that Ruffwear increases the adventure with their dogs when they go outside with them.

Benefits of using Ruffwear for your dog

These Ruffwear are mainly best for the dogs who get the training for physical fitness and other activities. Even if you go out with your dog outside like in the market, for shopping, for a walk, for running, and for other activity then you can use these Ruffwear for them. It will help you and your dog to stay together and enjoy the company of each other. With the use of Ruffwear, your dog will feel comfortable. Ruffwear is designed from a dog’s perspective, so they can feel comfortable and enjoy with ease.

If you want that your dog will stay fit and healthy, then it is important for them that they do some physical activities. For this, you can take them with you for a long walk, and you will also roam around on this pretext. When you walk with your dog, he will also feel happy and both of you enjoy each other’s company. Even you can take some of the throw toys with you, so you can play with your dog in the park. With playing with toys, your dog will also feelhappy and your bonding with him increase and will be stronger than before.

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